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Take me to the Ocean, take me to the sea

"What now is coming around

You're feeling cut down into the ground

And so we all come together

We're making a sound, we sing

Look at all this love we've found

Gotta raise 'em up, toast to the sweet life

If it's wrong I don't wanna be right

See the sun giving me the green light

Kick back, relax, and soak up the sweet sights"

"Take me to the Ocean" The Movement

Ive decided to quote this song in this blog post because it is literally what I think of when I am at the beach. Happy, warm, upbeat, bright, togetherness, freeing of souls, you name it! All the good things! This particular passage is about coming together and acknowledging the shared love. What better description for a large family session where grandparents can see their kids and grand kids, cousins unite, siblings and friends all share space and time together. One of the families came from California! It is not lost on me the importance of their time together and the importance of my documentation of their time together. Im not sure how I survived the film era of photography! I mean there was a time when I vehemently dismissed digital photography. But I also remember in my teens and 20's (when time seemed to stretch as far as the ocean) I lost rolls of film, or opened the canister too soon or opened the back of the camera and......... poof gone! The film and all its contents destroyed! Now in my 40's with an established understanding of time and how precious it is, I am so glad that I took the leap into digital and have many many systems that backup my work.

Thanks guys for trusting me to capture a few moments during your very precious time together <3

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