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Snow much fun

Snow much fun!!! Gotta love a good ole snow day! Also...I love taking pictures in the snow. Probably the contrast of white and saturated bright colors. Everything is all glory from the natural reflective property of all that pure white goodness. I didn't have my phone with me, but I had my big camera LOL. I may be investing in a mirrorless camera so I can have a small camera to tote! Fun fact about me...I do not like taking pictures with my phone and rarely do. I often feel let down at the amount of memories I do not document in my personal life bc I simply do not think to whip my phone out and take pics.

I digress, whether you're out there to eat the snow (my kids) or to throw snow, roll in snow and eat more snow (my kids).

Or to bring your new baby for a walk to see the snow for the first time or to watch the plows and work along side the plows snow is snow much fun! Am I missing a snowy activity tho....hmm I got eating of snow, throwing and I strolled the hood, there was really one common activity that brought all the kids together in effortless mass...starts with an S and ends with a G or D if describing noun but I'm going with the action the act of using the thing that ends with D....


The kids took to sledding like it was their job anddddd cmon lets be is! It is their job to play and learn through play and have snow much fun until their little red chapped faces ask for hot cocoa and its time to go in. The nostalgia fountain was flowing, friends...Wild boars could not keep 8-11 year old me from dragging a heavy duty snow tube to my childhood elementary school to fly down the hill no-less than 300 times! I can smell and taste those days! Oh and please Don't worry, my sledding days did not end at 11...we just upped our game and started going to the local college with a bigger hill

I hope that all of your snow-days were cozy and filled with with hot cocoa! I equally hope that everyone slept as good as we slept! We were snow exhausted from snow much fun.

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