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Learning to walk again

Updated: Jun 29, 2020

This family has suffered one of life's greatest tragedies and literally only weeks before the world shut down.  On February 6, 2020 their 20 month old daughter passed away.

In December of 2018 their beautiful daughter,Elena, was diagnosed with Neuroblastoma. She was just 7 months old.  There are no words that can possibly explain the devastation that comes with news like that. Elena was the youngest sibling and only girl, with three wonderful brothers just ahead of her. They are grieving. They are brokenhearted. They are not only trying to walk again, but now have to do so in our new world normal. When I look at this family, I see nothing but strength. Momma Becca is back at school working to obtain a Masters in Nursing. Dad John is a sensational High School Physics and Chemistry teacher working hard to shape young minds. They take their boys on hikes and find solace spending time as a family surround by nature.

Elena’s 2nd birthday was May 1st and outpourings of love and service, in honor of Elena, flooded the family’s social media pages. Some planted trees in Elena’s honor. Others delivered little love notes or made driveway and yard signs in an effort to offer hope and bring a smile to their faces.  There were children who chose to give beloved toys to others in need.  Some families made donations to food banks, and there were many who bravely gave blood to help those desperate for transfusions or platelets.

On Elena’s birthday weekend this loving and grieving family walked their neighborhood with a tribute wagon playing sesame street music and handed out ice cream to neighbors. In their time of immense suffering and pain, they chose to give. They remained dedicated to their daughter’s memory and pushed beyond their sadness to walk in remembrance of the baby girl they loved so much.

To the Demos Family:

Your precious girl touched so many lives and has made such a difference in this world. She inspired those who know her story to live life fuller, to be kinder, and to live with purpose. She will forever be remembered as a hero. A legend.

Sweet Elena, we mourn and relish in the fact that we were blessed to know you. Some souls are just too beautiful for this world.

In 8th grade Special Chorus we sang the Irish Parting Blessing and even though I sit here 25 years later (wow emoji), I still find I sing this in times of great sorrow and joy. Since meeting Elena in January it’s been playing in my head and it emanates from my lips. This and Rainbow Connection, but with Kermit the Frogs voice <3 (Heart eyes emoji and laugh emoji too).

Irish Parting Blessing

May the road rise to meet you,

May the wind be ever at your back.

May the sunshine warm upon your face,

and the rain fall soft upon your fields.

and until we meet again,

May God hold you in the palm of his hand.

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