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It's Magic

We have officially entered the big, windy storm part of our seasons! Thankful for flexible clients and sunshine before the storm! These guys were so fun. Have I mentioned how much I love Extended Family sessions?! Narrator says "in fact, Sadie, you've mentioned it in the last 10 posts."

This is true. I can't say it enough!

Maybe its because I am an only child? And the concept of a big family eluded me for many years. No this isn't it. I liked being an only child; I like a good amount of time alone and I can't handle a ton of noise! haha

I acquiesce, I suppose you could say being an only child made me this way?!

Hmmm what came first the only chick or the only egg?!

I think its that everyone is happy to see each other. They all come together to rejoice in one another's company. Rules are lax, jokes are made, stories are told. Joyful! Oh and Kids rock! No better way to put it. They are fun, energetic, funny and pure joy! Cousins share a special bond; like a best friend and sibling burrito! I love to capture that! I was so lucky to grow up with amazing cousin-besties! And now, I am experiencing my own taste of this magic as I have little kids and they have cousins who are their besties.

I think I could live on magical best friend and sibling burritos..

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