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Entirely together

This family is made up of grandparents, four grown sons whom are all married to four lovely women and 6 amazing grandkids.

They live all over the place...doing all different things, in all sorts of busy, bustling ways.

Their time together is limited, rare and of course...precious. I could feel the joy, the love and the importance of their time together. Documenting their limited; rare and most precious time together to deliver moments of joy and laughter simultaneously. As Grandma and Grandpa could be with all of their hearts that beat on the outside of their chest. Where cousins could meet, play and development lifelong kinship. Where siblings turned friends could catch up and reminisce. I hope among all hope that I can offer a slice of a feeling of their time spent together. Moments to look upon and think "ah that feeling of us all together" That feeling that if you could bottle it up... you'd sell it!

And make a mint!

Where, "I can wholly be me and you are entirely you and we all complete each other." That sacred place "I feel safe, loved and accepted."

Post Script

For some reason as I was writing this post I kept hearing the song "In My life" by the Beatles

(Ha and now you probably will too!)

I was almost writing to the cadence of it and upon pulling up the lyrics to dissect... The message is the connection.

That presence of nostalgia and wholeness . The complete, authentic connection of love.

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