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an AWESOME Morning

A little fun fact about me. I say awesome a lot. Like a lot a lot. And I caught myself during this session saying it so much I told a story about my habit. I worked for a couple months at a Country Club and having never been a server I was nervous and unsure. My boss pulled me aside and said "you are doing pretty well. You just say awesome way too much" LOL. When I told this story to this family they chuckled and then someone said "it could be worse". AHA moment, friends. Yes it could be worse! Way worse! While my employment at this country club I also offered people a Tom Arnold thinking I was being super savvy. Nope I meant Arnold Palmer. Ive learned to laugh at myself!

Back to this awesome Family! When they contacted me for a Family session and mentioned 2 acres and a barn, I was ecstatic! This close-knit family was so fun to work with! A Meme, Grandpa, Aunt/Daughter, Uncle/Son in Law, Mom/Daughter, Dad and Kids/Grands!

It was a perfect, chilly but sunny Fall morning. I got to explore the land and learn about games the kids play on the trampoline! This family is easy to smile, easy to laugh and awesome to be be around!

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