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AB2 Playschool 2020-2021

Well that's a wrap on AB2 PlaySchool! This year was a huge learning year and I think mostly for us Miss Mommy's.

September 2020 we started a Home based preschool program of three days a week for three hours a session switching between houses. It was fun, rewarding, hard and exhausting. Learning to teach 6 preschoolers in a house, for 3 hours was no small feat. I say learning because none of us were preschool teachers.

But you know what...we did it! We played, we painted, we foamed, we beaned, we riced, we played tag, we read, we sang, did circle, we ran and climbed and went on field trips. We got frustrated; Mommys, Grands and Kids alike. We hugged, we laughed and we cried. We held each other through a really hard year. I always say; the two things I missed the most during this Pandemic are smiles and hugs. I consider myself very lucky because for 3 days a week I got to see smiles and get hugs from these women and kids! Staying in a bubble meant we could unmask and ride out this storm together. In a year plagued with uncertainty, Playschool offered us socialization, safety and routine. AND sooooo many smiles and hugs!

AND we ALMOST got through the whole alphabet. Someday we will teach X,Y and Z

"A bond between people is a strong feeling of friendship, love, or shared beliefs and experiences that unites them. ... When people bond with each other, they form a relationship based on love or shared beliefs and experiences. You can also say that people bond or that something bonds them.", 2007 , BOND, Collins Dictionary, HarperCollins Publishers,

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