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Dinosaurs and Soccer balls

I love repeat families! Let me just get that out there...ahem, hint hint haha. But seriously the chance to once again be asked to enter a families life and photograph their moments. To see the kiddos again and how they've grown from the last session is simply the best! These guys are so fun and lovely to be around and when they contacted me a little over a year from their last session, to do a shoot, I was thrilled! Then they requested Longwood and I was super thrilled! If you haven't experienced Longwood Gardens in Spring you must. So many blooming flowers, bright green grass and Tulips! Tulips everywhere! I had a blast once again working with this wonderful family and I hope I get the honor to capture more moments for them. Little guy Miles is into Dinosaurs, soccer and running around being three and a half. I so enjoyed watching him play and got to snap a few for a little milestone part of the session. Its like a photo diary "at three and a half I was into" ...awesome! I prefer to document in pictures so I was ecstatic when Mom requested it! I might actually start incorporating this into all my sessions! Grandmas was in town which made this a special and a perfect time for family photos!

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