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Frankie my Frankie

It took a painfully long time to get our Frankie. Physically painful and emotionally painful but now that she's here I know we would do it again a hundred times over. I am feeling emotional as I weaned Frankie from nursing last week and so we are in transition over here in the Brown house. Our breastfeeding journey was a beautiful one which I am very thankful for. Even though I think Frankie could have kept going I was ready and you see I struggle with anxiety. The kind of anxiety that keeps me medicated. And doctors won't help me with my medications until I am done nursing, reasonably so. So, although it made me very sad to wean this precious girl, I am practicing self care. I know I can only be the momma she deserves if I take care of myself. And I know that my anxiety needs we weaned. I know we will be ok and what the sadness will dissipate with time. So for now we snuggle, read and watch Peppa Pig. When she falls I no longer offer my breast but I kiss her boo boo and tell her she's a big girl and it will be alright.

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